what’s been keeping me away -凯发k8国际

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    what’s been keeping me away

    well hello there again little blog! it has been a while. i don’t think i’ve ever been away this long.

    you ask? oh … this and that. but you’ve never been far from my thoughts. every now and then i sat down and started this post, only to stop mid-draft and walk away to focus on other things.

    i’m not about forcing it. i always knew i’d finish the post when i was ready .

    you’ve been on my mind so much lately. i’ve missed you. i’ve been thinking about you as much as i’ve been thinking about italy, which always happens at this time of year.

    this is the time when i know that soon … very soon … i’ll be in italy again. wrapped in that warm blanket of family and love and memories and the sea and the mountains and yes … food .

    this morning, when i woke up, i knew that i would finish this post. i just knew it.

    just as i knew that with my morning espresso i would have our favourite add-in of crema. what’s crema, you ask? it’s a little italian secret that we use to make your espresso that much more enjoyable.

    when i was little and asked what the origin of this mix was, i was told that it was a way of faking the elusive schiuma that everyone loves to see on their espresso. schiuma, or foam, is that golden top layer that lives on a freshly drawn espresso. it’s a sign of a well-made cup of espresso and adds to the experience of that first sip.

    when you make espresso using the old-fashioned moka, you don’t always get that foam layer so apparently, making crema was a way to fake it. it’s downright delicious so the origin doesn’t really make much of a difference to me anymore .




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